Our Story


The year was 1998… and I was 15 years old; my sister Heather got me a job working in the dining room and kitchen at a retirement home in Spokane, WA. Working with my sister was the best, I had always looked up to her and getting paid to hang out with her was a dream. We would work a lot of parties at the center together, popping champagne and catering large groups. It was in these times that we first began to talk about how cool it would be to have our own restaurant some day.

Time passed and Heather went on to finish college and move into her career but I continued in and out of college, unable to land on any career that I could envision myself in forever. Thru all these years I worked about any job that I could in the hospitality industry. I loved it, the passion, the excitement, the way it made me feel to help people celebrate. So, 22 years of experience later, I sent my sister a listing for restaurant and she simply said, “yep, lets do it.”

After that its a whirlwind. We ended up purchasing an Italian restaurant on Main Street in HB. We closed it after just a short time so that we could remodel it and reopen as Wet Dog Tavern. The tavern survived protests and a panedmic and we had a great 4 year run in that original location, but ultimately closed at the end of 2023. Then after what seemed like a wild 4 months, we secured a lease on a great spot in the same zip code! This new location is so exciting because we get to be full hands on in a complete remodel and the best part for me is that my sister, and business partner, is here for the entire thing.

Dreams aren’t always as you dream them, sometimes they’re better.

I look forward to serving you all again soon.

Cheers, Kammy Major